Legal facts are a focus of courtroom interaction, which has been well explored by professionals and researchers of law. 法律事实的处理是庭审的关键之一,得到司法界长期重视,也得到法学研究者的广泛关注。
The construction of legal facts requires mainly verbal means besides non-verbal means. 法律事实的建构除了借助非语言手段外,主要诉诸语言手段。
It is the essential difference between media and judicial that leads to the difference of the facts and legal facts. 媒体与司法的本质差别,导致了新闻事实和法律事实的不同。
The controversies on the option between objective truth and legal truth which prevail in the academia of procedural law are in essence the disputes on the criterion to cognize the legal facts. 诉讼法学界关于客观真实与法律真实的争论是针对法律事实的认定标准所产生的分歧,但是,争论并没有跳出主观与客观、事实与价值、形式与实质这种二元对立的思维模式。
In the investigation and debating sessions, the dialogue between participants is a main means for presentation and processing of legal facts, which becomes the concern of researchers. 其中,在法庭调查和法庭辩论部分,各方之间展开的对话是事实呈现和处理的主要手段,因此是从语言角度对法律事实建构研究的重要切入点。
It is only natural that this training will spill over into other aspects of the lawyer's life, not just when dealing with legal facts. 很自然,这种训练将扩展到这位律师生活的其它方面,而不仅仅限于处理法律事务。
Internal factors are those constituted of legal facts, and external ones are other systematical factors of civil law. 内在结构要素即构成不当得利法律事实的各要素,外在结构要素即民法的其他制度要素。
Notarization is a non-contentious activity, which means that the state notarial department, authorized by the state and according to law, gives testimonial to the authenticity and legality of legal facts and legal documents. 公证,是国家公证机构按照国家赋予的权力,对具有法律意义的文书和事实,确认其真实性、合法性的一种非诉讼活动。
The legal fact events as legal facts are in essence not different from the inevitable or accidental incidents. 作为法律事实的法律事实事件与作为免责事由的不可抗力或意外事件并无实质区别。
The specific properties such as nature, constitution and legal facts of criminal legal relationship are the important theoretical basis for drafting The Criminal Execution Law. 刑事法律关系在性质、构成以及刑事执行法律事实方面所具有的特殊属性,是制定刑事执行法典的重要理论依据。
Authenticating legal facts usually serves as the foundation of passing a judgment. 法律事实的认定常成为作出判决的基础。
Legal Facts and Legal Methods 法律事实与法律方法
The proof fact, the case fact and the procedural fact are the legal facts and not the objective facts of a case. 证据事实、要件事实和程序事实等都是法律事实而非案件的客观事实。
Paying or not paying patent annual fee is an actual demeanour of all legal facts. 缴纳专利年费的行为或不缴纳专利年费的行为都是法律事实中的事实行为。
The second step of legal reasoning is to define and state the legal facts. 法律推理的第二步是认定和陈述法律事实。
According to these five steps, it is possible to thoroughly examine important legal facts and right relationship related to contract cases, so to safeguard transaction order and rule of law by form in mind. 在这五个步骤的安排下,我们得以对合同案件所涉及的重要法律事实和权利关系进行全面周到地审查,这是实现交易秩序和法治的思维形式保障。
It is the language feature in this process that gives rise to disagreement in authenticating legal facts, hence the requirement for legal judgment which is more in accordance with the legal spirit. 正是这一过程的语言性特点使得对于法律事实的认定产生差异,进而使法律判决有了更符合法律精神的要求。
With the reform in civil procedure institution, the standard of proof of civil procedure in our country is unceasingly perfecting from "objective facts"," legal facts" to "probability". 从“客观事实”、“法律事实”到“盖然性”证明标准,我国民事诉讼证明标准随着民事诉讼制度的改革而不断完善。
By comparing the Yi customary law and national law for the "natural facts" of the different concerns and identified and then the legal facts are not naturally occurring, but by the logic of cultural and social constructed. 通过对比彝族习惯法与国家法律对于自然事实的不同关切与认定,继而提出法律上的事实不是自然产生的,而是由文化和社会的逻辑建构的。
Assume that the so-called legislative, refers to the legislators in accordance with current policy requirements and legal theory, the predictive interpretation of qualitative legal facts and legal acts may occur in the future, legislators formed a speculative conclusion. 立法假定是指立法者依据当前的政策要求和相关法律理论,对已发生法律事实的定性和对未来可能发生的法律行为进行预测性解释,是立法者形成的一种推测性结论。
Magistrates discussed the fact that the experience of properties, clear the fact that referees have the objective facts and legal facts of duality, the magistrate stressed that the legal characteristics of the facts. 论述了裁判事实的经验事实属性,明确了裁判事实具有客观事实和法律事实的二重性,强调裁判事实的法律事实特征。
When it comes to "facts" discussion of the issue, the article with typical cases of the "natural facts" and "legal facts" to analyze the relationship between the. 在对于事实问题的讨论中,文章借助典型案例对自然事实与法律事实之间的关系进行了分析。
These questions will be discussed and illustrated as follows: Firstly, legal facts. 正文主要试图探讨和说明以下几个问题:第一,法律事实概述。
The attribute that customary norms comes from social facts which had been accustomed by the society makes judges can deduce legal facts according to customary norms. 习惯性规范来自于作为社会事实的社会习惯的属性,使法官可以根据习惯性规范逆向推定案件事实,当然必须在逻辑上进行严格的排除。
Law and legal facts of openness is the premise of legal reasoning can be contested. 法律规定与法律事实的开放性即为法律推理前提的可辩驳性。
Legal facts related to a combination of legal norms and facts, relevant laws and the fact that the concept of doctrine is controversial. 法律事实是法律规范与事实的结合,有关法律事实概念的学说也是众说纷纭。
It proved that by law the legal acts, legal documents and legal facts of the authenticity and legality, to prevent disputes and to reduce litigation, maintenance of security of transactions, the purpose of maintaining social stability. 它通过依法证明法律行为、有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性、合法性,达到预防纠纷、减少诉讼,维护交易安全,维护社会稳定的目的。
The so-called distinguishing effectiveness is the principle which regards the reason and result of the alteration of real right to take effect as two different legal facts by applying the different laws. 所谓效力区分原则,是指通过对不同法律规范的适用将物权变动的原因与结果的生效视为两个不同的法律事实的原则。
As is the result of the correct facts and the corresponding state, so in a civil magistrate mid-range objective facts culvert perturbation in the legal norms and performance to determine the legal facts, based on the fact that the referee made the right results. 由于正确就是结果与事实对应的状态,所以,在民事裁判中当客观事实涵摄于法律规范并表现为可以确定的法律事实时,基于该事实作出的裁判结果是正确的。
Legal facts can be classified in different manners according to different right claims, different sources of right effect and existence of the counterparty subject. 依据所主张权利性质的不同、权利效力来源的不同、对立方主体的存在与否,法律事实可以不同方式加以分类。